Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bridal Season is in full swing!

Its that time of year again - all of our brides are scrambling from store to store hoping to find the gown of their dreams.  We love this time of year, everyone is so happy out shopping with friends and family its great getting to know all of you. 
We encourage every bride to take the time to enjoy the boutique experience.  Unlike bridal superstores the smaller boutique stores offer personalized service.  The quality of the gowns are far superior, the construction of these gowns provide you with the best possible fit.  Finally, lets talk about the prices...definitely not higher as you may be led to believe! 
Do your self a favor, if making the trek to one of these giant bridal box stores be sure to drop by a small boutique your homework and know what your getting at what price bigger isn't always better...happy shopping!